Stanford phD Calvin schmidt posts about investing opportunities in synthetic biology. Available for consulting on potential investments in this area.

CSSBI companies at the 2020 HC Wainwright Conference

This week, H.C. Wainwright and Co. are hosting their 22nd Annual Global Investment Conference. Though there are many areas of focus here, they also have a Healthcare and Biotech track, where many companies in the CSSBI will be presenting. Since these are public synthetic biology stocks, their presentations have to be made publicly available, lucky us!

Here is the schedule, and the links to the presentations. If you want to easily add them to your calendar, you can do so from the CSSBI Presentation Calendar.

September 14th

September 15th

September 16th

If you miss one, don’t worry! The recordings are usually available on the company’s investor relations page.

What to look for in CSSBI Q3 Earnings Calls

Who are the synbio companies in the YC Summer 2020 cohort?